Friday, December 10, 2010

Traveling With Transitioning Hair

As anyone else with transitioning hair will tell you, traveling with transitioning hair ain't easy! You've got to pack whatever you use to set your hair, your products, any backup hair accessories in case your hair poops out on you, and then you've probably jumped on the spray bottle bandwagon and it needs to go too. My bag always has products/tools/accessories popping out of every pocket especially when I go to places with weather that isn't "set friendly".

Here's what I do to minimize the trouble of traveling with transitioning hair

  • Don't choose vacation time to expirement with a new style or technique (guilty!)
  • Pick a style that will last the entire trip without resetting
  • Buy travel sizes of your favorite products
    • If you can't find these, they sell travel containers just about everywhere
  • Don't forget your shower cap! It will keep your set frizz-free and slow it from falling.
  • Have at least one backup style in mind and bring whatever you need to quickly achieve that style
    • If I had straight hair I'll do a french braid, bun with track hair, or southern tease bun
    • If I had wavy/curly style I'll push the front back with a headband and bring lots of pins to make a quick updo


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^_^* Kayla