Friday, January 07, 2011

Product Review: Boundless Tresses {initial reaction}

 Back in November I finally got my hands on the infamous Boundless Tresses. I've used it for a month and can now give my initial reactions to it.

The Smell...
I got the scented one so as to avoid the sulfur smell, however, it still does have a smell. It sort of reminds me of those aerosol sprays you keep in the bathroom. I straightened my hair and the smell got stronger. My family could smell it. It's not strong enough of a scent to make me run for the hills though.

The Consistancy...
It is non-greasy and not terribly thick. However, it will solidify if cold. I've also found it to solidify every time I go somewhere. I will travel somewhere, take my Boundless Tresses out thinking I'm going to use it and it's hard as a rock. It happens everytime without fail no matter the temperature. I've started showering with it in the bathroom or leaving it in there for other people's showers to make sure it was ready for me to use.

Does it Work...
This I cannot speak for because my hair isn't straight, but I have reason to believe that my hair has grown since using this product. We'll know for sure when I finally get around to straightening for my next length check. My little fro is getting bigger and so are the sets that I do with my hair.

The verdict is still out...


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