Friday, February 04, 2011

My Pesce-versary

Last Tuesday marked the one year anniversary of my being a pescetarian. I am so excited and proud of myself. I know that this was a good decision and I hope many more years follow. Here I'm making a post about the background to my decision and a little about my thoughts. Later, I'm going to make a tips post because it seems as though many people have questions about switching to a low/no meat diet.

A pescetarian is someone who does not eat any meat other than Fish. A lot of people are confused by this term because they may have believed that Vegetarians eat fish. Well, they don't because Vegetarians don't eat meat and fish is indeed meat. Also, people try to stuff me with fish whenever I eat at their house. lol. Pescetarian just means that I am willing to eat fish. Most days out of a given month I am completely meat free.

People like to classify pescetarianism as if it were a type of vegetarianism. I just can't understand that. If you want to classify something under an umbrella, that something must meet the criteria of the original umbrella. So, if vegetarian is the umbrella and vegetarians do not eat meat, it makes no sense to put a group who does eat meat underneath that classification. For all intensive purposes, Pescetarianism is a type of omnivorous diet. I've seen people throw omnivore out as if its supposed to be an insult, but it is what it is.

I am not an animal rights person. I'm not so much concerned that people consume animals. I think that's pretty natural. What I have a true issue with is how we take these animals lives. It's pretty unappetizing. The death of the fish wasn't enough to make me sick. I also have an issue with all of the artificiality involved in the meat making process...hormones, chemicals, etc... 

For more info, including videos, visit


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^_^* Kayla