Monday, March 28, 2011

A Change is Coming

So, I've been contemplating completely changing my regimen around. Of course it would take me a while to make all of the changes, but this is the goal regimen I've come up with.

  • Prepoo with EVCO
  • Shampoo 1x - Giovanni
  • DC & Detangle 1x - Giovanni 
    • Cowash 1x - Giovanni

  • Apply Giovanni leave-in and tshirt dry
  • Seal w/ oil and finish with a airdry
  • M&S daily w/ Hawaiian Silky & Oil
Washing would be done in four loose ponytails and there would be a quick fingerdetangling with the prepoo.

Yeah, I think I'm switching to using the Giovanni shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in and incorporating pre-shampoo oiling into my regimen. So far I've started using the shampoo.


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