Monday, March 07, 2011

Month In Review: February

This month I wore...
  • Straight Hair
  • Bantu Knot Out
  • Braid Out
  • Airdried
    • Twist and Roll
    • French Braid
This month I learned that...
  • straight hair checks are out!
  • 3 months is becoming too frequent for length checks. I'm moving to very 6 months.
  • I don't really need to trim. I'm moving on to dusting!
  • I am transitioning, others are not.
This month I thought...
  • "maybe I should go back to regular shampoo"
  • "I am considering a coconut oil prepoo"
  • "If I just snip a little bit...I won't have to look raggedy anymore"

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^_^* Kayla