Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Stretch Headbands for Puffs

I wear the "Puff Bun" quite frequently these days and will be rocking it next week when I remove the twists under my wig and free my strands. I have a headband that I like for this style, but it is too tight. My head is crying for mercy when I remove the band. So, I turned to LHCF to ask how to stretch a headband for a puff. I received a lot of answers and ultimately decided to go the "band-over-chair" route.
First, I sprayed it to "loosen things up"

Then I left it to sit on the back of a dining room chair back

Ta-da! However, I am letting it sit until I wear it next week. Still not loose enough.


  1. Thanks Kayla, for this tip! It has saved my knee highs!! LOL :P


  2. I'm always down to save a knee high!


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^_^* Kayla