Monday, October 10, 2011

My Natural Hair--Sorta

 Yesterday, I did an Egg and ORS Repleneshing pre poo, then I followed that up with a wash, instant condition, and then added gobs of conditioner to detangle my hair. Let me tell you, there are so many straight pieces left in my hair, most on the ends! My hair is damp in these photos, but when it began to dry I could see straight pieces sticking up everywhere. Most of them are in the back--which will be difficult for me to get. I don't want to sound so negative, so I'll be positive about something. I am loving the shape of my hair. It's more round when dry.

I'd tried the tightly curly method, but I don't think I did enough sections, also the hair at my crown is usually very tightly coiled and it's kind of straight. I may need another wash before it springs back to life.

I'm unsure as to how to proceed, but a cut is coming! I may do it at the end of the week in braids.

SN: My mom suggested Carol's Daughter, but nobody's mother, daughter, cousin, or friend is gonna make this hair kinky, coil, curl from root to tip. lol.


  1. You never know, your hair might curl. My hair didn't curl at first, it was almost like it was in shock lol but it surprised me after maybe a couple of weeks when it did start curling.

    Congrats on the BC btw:)

  2. Thank you. I'd be way surprised if it curled because I'm not expecting it to. I'd be like 0.0


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^_^* Kayla