Friday, June 01, 2012

Moisturizing Natural Hair: The L.O.C. Method

In my musings on the interwebs I came across a post on a blog--I forget which--mentioning the L.O.C method of moisturizing natural hair. L.O.C is an acronym for the order in which to moisturize.




Step 1: Add a liquid moisturizer to your hair. I prefer to use water as I think it's the best moisturizer and is free!
Step 2: Seal in your moisture with an oil. I currently use grapeseed.
Step 3: Top it all off with a cream moisturizer. I use the Shea Moisture Leave In.

UPDATE: Others are interpreting the cream as a creamy, butter-like product without water as the main ingredient. Think "heavy sealant" like shea butter. If my way does not work for you, give the "heavy sealant way" a try. My hair personally hates heavy sealants.

Since using this method my hair is shiny and moisturized for more than one day. I did a braidout using this method (shown above). This especially comes in handy when wearing a style that you can't take down everyday to re-moisturize.

How do you LOC? 

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