Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Natural Hair Scene in My New Town


What you see above this text is a photo of the very first afro that I wore in Delaware. I could not wait to get out of that bun and let my hair loose. It's not dry yet in this photo and had been moisturized with the LOC Method and coated in Eco Styler. I have since learned a speedier and better way to achieve a floppy fro since taking this picture, FYI. Being that I had such big and noticeable hair, it made me in turn notice other naturals in my new town.

I will see one or two naturals when I go out but it is not like the south up here. In the south every other woman is natural. I could go to a Walmart or Target and see at least 10-20 naturals. Being here reminds me of the early days when people first started getting into natural hair. You can tell people here don't see longer natural hair as well. I got many looks--not nasty ones--and compliments. 

The only ding on my fro was given in a grocery store by a toddler. "Mommy, she has funny hair!" My mama would have slapped me in the mouth for that one, but the white woman told her child that my hair was beautiful and attempted to get her to apologize. *shrugs* lol. 

What is the natural scene like in your town? 


  1. I'm here in Maryland and I swear it's a lot of Natural walking around here. That's what pretty much inspired me. I love you hair. Do you understand that hair typing thing? I'm curious to know what my hair type is.

  2. @Ricka Then what happened in Delaware!? lol. Hair typing? I feel like mehh about it. I think it only can describe the appearance of your hair and does nothing for really helping you select products or find a regimen. I categorize hair as straight, wavy, curly, or kinky and that is as far as I go. My hair is kinky and that is a good enough description for me.

  3. Thanks!! I'm feeling like that now. It's beginning to be a but much.. Lol


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^_^* Kayla