Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Quick Tip: The Baggying Method

Freshly baggied hair
When I first went natural moisture was a big issue. I could not keep my new natural hair moisturized for a second! The first thing that I turned to was baggying.

What is Baggying?
Baggying involves covering moistened hair with a plastic baggy or cap overnight.

How to Baggy
People baggy in different ways but the way that I did it was that I heavily sprayed my hair with water--show no mercy--and sealed it in very generously with an oil. I covered my head with a plastic processing cap, tied it in place with a silk scarf and covered it all with my bonnet. In the morning I walked out the door, damp hair and all.

Some people like to wear a winter-type beanie to help generate more heat for their baggying.


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