Friday, February 01, 2013

My First Henna Application

Last week I applied henna to my hair for the first time. I have been feeling that my hair needs a protein boost and though henna is not a protein treatment it is strengthening and I already had it on hand.

My Mix
1 can of unsweetened coconut milk
1 60g bag of Godrej Nupur Mehendi Powder 9 Herbs Blend
A drizzle of Olive Oil

My Process (Video)
I mixed together the coconut milk and the henna and allowed them to sit for two hours for dye release. I chose coconut milk as my liquid because I had read that it does not affect dye release and can curb some of the dryness that sometimes comes with henna treatments. I was gifted the henna in an exchange, but liked it because it has 9 other herbs blended into it with various benefits (read more about this henna here).

Two hours later, I drizzled some olive oil into my mix because it is supposed to aid in rinsing. I then put on some cute purple latex gloves and applied the henna with my hands. Though I took the precaution to wear an inside out, old shirt, the henna did not get everywhere and if it did splatter, I quickly wiped it away with a baby wipe--easy.

I allowed the mix to sit on my head for 3 hours, then donned some pink latex gloves and rinsed it out in the shower. I rinsed each section twice before I shampoo'd. I let the shampoo sit while I showered, then removed my gloves to rinse. My hair felt a little dry to the touch but I didn't worry because I knew I would be deep conditioning overnight.

The Results
The next morning my hair was soft, but not it's usual "cotton-like" soft. Perhaps I have gotten used to over conditioned hair. I believe that the henna strengthened my hair, but I'm not so sure it colored it. My natural hair color is a very dark brown visible in photo, video, and sunlight. My ends are Dark'n'Lovely Red Hot Rhythm and were dyed almost two years ago. For reference, here is a photo of my natural hair color in the same lighting with the same camera.

Luckily, I wasn't leaning on henna for hair color. I just feel like my regimen lacks strength. I have the rest of the henna from this application in the freezer and I will be using it in 8 weeks. From there I will decide whether to continue using henna or to begin using a hard protein treatment like ApHogee 2 Step.


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