Friday, March 15, 2013

Natural Season Video Series

Spring is on it's way! Now that it is beginning to warm up--though my southern sensibilities won't ever see 50 degrees as warm--more people are getting the itch to either BC or end their transition. In response to this, I have been filming some "Natural Season" videos in which I discuss different issues related to transitioning. But Kayla, why are you doing a transitioning series when natural hair is NOT new and so many people are already natural?

If you type in transitioning on YouTube, you will get plenty of videos but not very many of them are new. I have either seen the video once upon a time or I recognize the person in the video and I KNOW their hair is longer than that now or they just look older now. The natural movement has kept on a'rolling, but new transitioners and new naturals are left in the dust trying to play catch up.

I am starting off with 3 videos with set topics, but as I get a few comments or as questions are posed to me (or on the forums I frequent), I may record more videos for this series. I also have an older transitioning q&a video that I may re-title and group together with the new videos.

Updated to add the video links:
#1. How Do I Go Natural? (Natural Season Series) 
#2. Why Transitioning & Hair Typing Don't Mix (Natural Season Series)
#3. Heat is not the Enemy (Natural Season Series)


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^_^* Kayla