Friday, April 26, 2013

Quick Wash | How To Wash Your Hair When You're Short on Time

If the exclamation points behind the title don't tell you enough, I am excited about this new "express" wash day that I stumbled upon last week.

Quick Wash | How To Wash Your Hair When You're Short on Time

We were in New Jersey visiting some of my husband's family. They wanted us to stay for dinner. I knew that would mean staying late and getting home late. I desperately needed to wash my hair and prepare for school the next morning. I hadn't even printed the lesson plans! Having my priorities in line, we stayed for dinner. Family and collards are more important than a full wash day.

When we got home, it was much too late to deep condition or detangle my hair so I braided it up. I hopped in the shower, lathered my scalp, then coated my strands with conditioner. I let it sit while I washed up, then rinsed the shampoo and conditioner out at the same time. Outside of the shower I coated the braids with leave-in and oil, then called it a night.

My braids were soaking wet the next morning so I pulled them back into a cute ponytail. The next morning I unbraided my hair to reveal a very nice braid out.

I see major possibilities with this routine: fresh hair when traveling, limiting real detangling to once a month, keeping a style when lazy, etc.

You could even braid with deep conditioner, deep condition, then lather in the shower. You could rinse the shampoo and deep conditioner out at the same time and then do what I originally did outside of the shower.


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^_^* Kayla