Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lifeway Kefir: Raspberry Peach Green Smoothie

I put green smoothies on the backburner for a while, but these past two weeks they've come back! Today I'm going to share my newest concoction featuring Lifeway Kefir.

What's in it:
Nearly 2 cups of Lifeway raspberry kefir
Half the blender of kale greens
1 banana
1 huuuuuge peach

Yield: 2 16oz smoothies

I couldn't quite get two cups of the kefir because I had been drinkin it straight and putting it in cereal. lol. If I had a fresh bottle, there would have been two cups in this smoothie! The keifer was replacing my usual cup of water and cup of oatmeal because it is basically liquid yogurt, has around the amount of calories of the oatmeal, AND *takes a breath* has a boatload of protein and protbiotics. 

If you don't sweeten your smoothies like myself, this one will be a bit more sweet than you are used to. The peach really hyped up the raspberry. The huge peach had me singing "My name is Jaaaaaamessss." 

See another smoothie from me here

The Lifeway Kefir was profided to me free of charge from Influenster and Lifeway. I'm not being paid to review the item and this post was done because...I like smoothies.


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