Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February Inversion

This month's inversion went by in a flash. I am that much closer to seeing if this whole thing works. I really haven't lost anything if it doesn't. This month I missed a day of inverting. I was really stressed out with my job and stayed up way past what I normally would and couldn't be bothered to take the 4 minutes. The next day I did two inversions at different times.

This month I watched more of LongNHealthy's videos on YouTube. No one loves growth aids more than she. In one of her most recent videos she claims to have received two inches in 5 days doing a combination of inversions, bamboo tea, and Hairdrenalin Potion. She also has a really easy to follow video of her making the potion.

If anyone is worried, I'm still my same skeptic self.

Happy Inverting!


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^_^* Kayla