Friday, February 07, 2014

Quick Tip: Dry Your Hair Before Styling

I'm not one to delve too deep into porosity, but I think I have low porosity hair being tat it takes days for my hair to fully dry. As you can imagine, that makes styling like braidouts and bantu knot outs difficult as those styles need to be 100% dry to come out right. This brings me to my tip.

Dry your hair almost all the way before setting into a style. The night before I want to style my hair, I apply a moisturizer and oil, twist my hair in about 4 twist, then put a t-shirt over it for bed. The next morning I apply a bit of styler and set my hair. It continues to dry the rest of the day and overnight. by the time I am ready to take down the set, my hair is 100% dry.


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^_^* Kayla