Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Egg Protein Treatment

Way back when, I used to do my protein treatments with egg. I'd crack a single egg, beat it and apply it to my then neck length hair. Eventually, I learned of things like ApHogee and left the egg behind. That was until I saw the Alicia James' video on her egg treatment that consisted of 3 eggs and 1/2 cup of olive oil. I figured, she's made it to waist length and her hair looks good. 

I tried the treatment a week or so ago and I must say I was impressed. My coils were more defined and my hair dried quicker than it normally would. There were maybe one or two pieces of cooked egg in my hair. I won't lie. I think those pieces were because I did not get all of the egg out of my hair before I followed with a regular deep conditioning and rinsed with warmer water than I had for the egg. The egg probably cooked during those steps.

I'm going to do this again in 2 months or so and see how I like it a second time. It was definitely up there with my regular ApHogee 2 step!


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