Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Max Hydration Method - Month 1

Please ignore the oldness of my hair in the above photo. It was wash evening. As you read in the title I have been on the Max Hydration Method for one whole month! I spent the begining of the month splitting the regimen between night and day, doing a part of the regimen each day. I slowly spread it out to my current routine of doing the first half of the regimen the night of my 3rd day with my wash and go.

When I initally began the regimen I was using what I had which included some no-no products. I was deep conditioning with Eden Bodyworks deep conditioner (review), using Yes to Carrots Leave In (review), and gelling my hair down with first Eco olive, then ORS loc and twist (review), then Curls Goddess Curls (review). I was also really concerened with achieving 2nd day hair. Within the first week (post) I noticed my hair wetting more easily and drying quicker.

I am happy to report that after a month I am now using 100% approved Tressemme Naturals conditioner for deep conditioning and leave in and Kinky Curly Curing Custard for gel. My hair is defined until around my eyes where it fros out from there. My hair is soft, has lots of sheen, and blows in the wind like Beyonce in concert. Second day hair is no problem. I place my bonnet over my hair, then sweep the ends to the opposite side into the bonnet. The pineapple results in hair sticking up so I'll leave it alone for now. 

I couldn't do this update without again mentioning the amount of hair lost. I continue to lose a super small amount of hair when detangling and styling on the regimen. I'm contemplating doing a post or video on managing this regimen without going broke and maybe videos showing tips on the steps. I do little things like shingling as I apply the leave in but not as I apply the gel.


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