Monday, November 03, 2014

30 Days of Thanksgiving

November is the month of giving thanks. If you take a moment to begin or end your day by giving thanks and showing gratitude, you will see a positive change in your life. This month I am challenging myself to come back to this post daily and write at least one thing that I am thankful for over the 30 days in November. I'm going to try to keep up with it on my snapchat, too.

Day 1: Weekends off.
Day 2: Ihop breakfast. Beach time with my husband and dog.
Day 3: Free time during the work week because my work is done. Sleepy Hollow episode.
Day 4: Strength of mind
Day 5: That timely cupcake from students
Day 6: Friendly coworkers
Day 7: #GoogleIt! shirt a parent made me and that I'm wearing today. It's my catch phrase!
Day 8: Fresh Nails
Day 9: Advil.
Day 10: Immune System.
Day 11: Veterans 
Day 12: An observation during a lab
Day 13: A new beginning
Day 14: Paydayzzzzzz
Day 15: Affording an impromptu cookout
Day 16: Getting things done
Day 17: The little Spanish I can understand
Day 18: Warm clothing
Day 19: Public school art as a child. I know who Frida Khalo is!
Day 20: My husband.
Day 21: Running, hot water
Day 22: The Diffuser
Day 23: Good times with good people
Day 24: No fear of driving in the rain.
Day 25: Style
Day 26: A car to travel this holiday season
Day 27: The living parent I have
Day 28: Time with my Grandmother
Day 29: Two headlights! (Seriously, single lights are an epidemic!)
Day 30: Having hair at all!


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^_^* Kayla