Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wash and Go Secrets

I am forever working on my wash and go whether it be by tweaking my technique or swapping out my products. Though I still have a ways to go toward mastery, here are some things I have picked up along the way.

Make sure your regimen doesn't conflict with your desire to wear a wash and go. If your regimen produces a stretched out look before you even begin to style your hair, you will get a stretched out result. My old regimen involved combing my hair out with tools and applying thick moisturizers that did not allow my hair to fully curl/clump. I would have never been able to achieve a descent wash and go with my old routine!

Apply enough product. I had two drastically different wash and go styles from the same styling product. The difference was in how much I had applied. When I applied just a little more product my hair was more elongated and defined.

Try different application methods. Rake, shake, shingle, praying hands, squishing, plopping. There are all manner of wash and go styling techniques. Try some or all of them and see which gives you the best results. I find that on my own hair, praying hands works with any gel. I can get away with raking in gels that have slip like Kinky-Curly but raking really breaks my clumps down and makes my hair look frizzy from far way.

Test product combinations on your hands first. We've all probably done it--applied a conditioner and styler only to find out later that the combo produces flakes. Avoid this by adding a little of each product to your palm and rubbing them together. If the mixture produces white balls, do not put that combo in your hair.

I could go on and on but I'll leave it here for now.

What are your secrets for your best wash and go? Comment below! 

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