Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Wash Day Experience | Sometimes You Need to Clarify

Listen, this washday needed to happen! In the above picture I'm hiding because I didn't even really want to be in the picture. My hair was greasy, limp, and just not cooperating! I needed to clarify my hair desperately!

[1] I began by shampooing in sections with the V05 Tea Therapy Clarifying Shampoo in Vanilla Mint.

[2] I followed this with an instant conditioning with my conditioner of the moment, the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle conditioner.

[3] I left the conditioner in then sealed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and  styled with Kinky Curly Curling Custard.

The washday was short and sweet but my clarified curls were super defined and not gunky anymore!

Don't let the bad lighting in this picture of my dried hair fool you. My curls were super defined, lush, and soft. I feel that we naturals sometimes forget to include clarifying in our wash day routine. I intend to pick back up the practice of regularly clarifying my hair.

The Wash Day Experience
How was your most recent wash day? Comment below! 

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^_^* Kayla