Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Type 4 Wash and Go Mistakes

I love a good type 4 hair wash and go video. Though I can learn from any type of hair, nothing hits home like watching someone with hair more similar to mine. In these videos I have seen a few ladies get wash and go results that could have been better if they had avoided one or more of the following.

Not Sectioning
I have seen some T H I C K type 4 hair being moisturized and styled in 4 large sections. As a fellow thick-haired sister I know the importance of sectioning within the sections. There is a definite difference in the volume and definition of my hair when it is done in smaller sections.

Starting on dry/damp hair
Type 4 hair is the most defined when it is wet. If the hair is allowed to air dry or is towel dried the definition will be significantly cut. 

I have seen very few type 4 naturals who can brush their hair for increased definition. I've seen that method work more on type 3 or very-strongly-defined-without-product type 4 hair. Put the comb down!

It's almost as if the women in the videos don't believe that their wash and gos can look better than what they're doing. I'm not sure about you but after going on a wash and go kick and seeing so many of the above I felt like I just had to write a blog post on it. Read my post called "Wash and Go Secrets" for more tips on how to get more out of your wash and Go.
Have you seen or done any of these? Comment below! 

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