Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"White" Hair Products

Back in November I posted a product review of the Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Gel. The video was up for some time with no comments until I received a comment that was telling me how dry and stiff my hair was in the video. To credit this person the gel I was reviewing doesn't age gracefully and my hair was super old and still defying gravity from the pineapple ponytail I had slept in. Where I really didn't like the comment was when they "informed" me that the gel was for "white folks."

I'm sure many people can relate to discovering the online healthy hair community, discovering what one should look for in the ingredients of products, then being frustrated at not finding any products with these good ingredients or without the bad ones. This may not be the struggle now with so many brands that have popped up, but it was my struggle when I first began caring for my own hair. Why am I bringing this up?

I'm mentioning this struggle because the reason why I could not find products for my healthy hair journey at first was because I was restricting myself to the "ethnic products" section of the store. The first issue is that this section is super small and usually doesn't even include all of the products from the brands represented there. Furthermore many of the playfully misspelled products found here are loaded with cheap fillers like petroleum and mineral oil and chocked full of protein.

It was when I ventured out of this aisle that I found products that were more moisture based and--ironically--better for ethnic hair. These companies from the ethnic aisle are often NOT owned by people with hair like ours. They have no understanding of protein/moisture balance and how thirsty our hair can be. All they are banking on is that if they throw a black person on the label, YOU WILL BUY IT! So when you purchases many of these "black folk" products you are buying marketing and not so much a product fine tuned for ethnic hair.

So, no. I haven't been a slave to marketing in a long time and will continue to use whatever product works for my hair. I should hope you all do the same.
Do you use products not marketed toward you? Comment below! 

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^_^* Kayla