Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Natural Hair Nirvana

I was cruising down the streets on a sunny day when I looked at myself in the rearview mirror. I had pulled my hair up into a ponytail since it was close to wash day. The top half of the ponytail was frizzy, yet cute and the bottom half was full of hanging spring-like spirals. It was in that moment that I thought to myself "I have reached natural hair nirvana." I have the natural hair that I always wanted.
Natural Hair Nirvana

I realized that my hair had become something that just fit into my life. I had styled a great wash and go without any struggling and my hair had lasted most of the week. Throwing it into this ponytail had also been a stress free event. I have had to struggle to get my hair into a ponytail at times. On this day...nope!

On this day I felt like I was wearing the natural hair and it wasn't wearing me. I have done too much worrying if my set would be dry in the morning, fretting over my style falling due to the weather, and resetting the style I had forced my hair into after it was expired.

On this sunny day, I had achieved easy natural hair.

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^_^* Kayla