Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How I Store My Hair Product Stash

There's a reason why product stash videos are so popular. People have so much stuff and they don't know where to put it all! Now, I don't have a lot of things--well, not as much as you think a blogger/vlogger would have--but I do have a system for storing them.

The Closet

This is the first stop for products fresh from the store. I will place them in this little space on a top shelf in my closet. Here the products will wait until I finish whatever product they are meant to replace. I don't keep a large stash up here and only fill it when the product I am currently using is 2/3rds of the way finished.

The Shower

There is a little ledge on either side of our shower. I use one of them to store anything that I am currently using that would be used in the shower. This includes my shampoo, deep conditioner, and leave-in.

The Bathroom Counter

The counter is the most visible of all of the places where I keep products. Because of this, I limit what I put up here. I keep my vitamins and any oils that I like to smooth over the top of my hair when it's dry.

Under The Bathroom Counter

This is where I keep the products that I am currently using but don't need to apply in the shower or use daily. I keep my moisturizer, sealing oil, and styler under here. Those only come out once a week or as needed.

My system is spread out and may not work for some but it works for me. What system do you use to store your hair products? 

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