Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"Set" Hairstyles are Frustrating!

A little over a year ago, no one was more loyal to "set" hairstyles than me. Sets include bantu knots, braidouts, twist outs...basically anything that is set in a particular way then let loose for a certain look. I used to love these styles and wore then exclusively. 

It was only learning that my hair could achieve a wash and go that I left these styles behind. What has kept me from going back to these styles, even on my worst wash and go days are the few frustrations that I had with them.

1. Waiting for them to dry

You all know that I have really thick hair. There aint no way on God's Green Earth that I can expect to bantu, braid, or twist my hair and have it dry in good time! 

It got to the point where I developed all sorts of schemes to get my hair to dry quicker. I'd do loose jumbo twists that I'd let air dry over the day before styling. I would also sit under a dryer with my hair loose until I felt it was just damp enough to style. 

Any way you slice it, drying would give me a fit. If your style isn't dry, it won't last and will most likely frizz.

2. Serious Loss of Definition

This is an issue that has more to do with braid outs but once my braid out starts to get old or meets humidity it stretches out like a smooth blowdry. I once went to work with a cute shoulder length style and ended the day with super long Diana Ross locs. I had not even a bend in my hair to indicate that I had had a braid out earlier. 

3. Re-doing My Hair Midweek

I don't have to re-do twist outs due to how small I do the twists, but all other set styles have to be completely restyled by the middle of the week. It's annoying to say the least.

Despite these frustrations, I do crave an "out" style from time to time. I just have to get the "pre-drying" and weather forecast together before I choose my hairstyle.

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^_^* Kayla