Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Moving Hair

So, I am moving right now and it is a rather rough move. Due to different situations I have lost two previous houses. Also, we had to move out of the house we were renting. The third house is still in progress and we are living in a hotel so that I can be in town to work. This situation has made it not so convenient to do my hair.

My first solution was two strand twists. I wore these about a week and a half. The second half of the second week ended in a high bun. I quite like the bun! I've been moisturizing regularly but nothing else. For week three, I took my hair down for a twist out. My hair looks good! The pictures really don't do it justice. However, I can't escape the reality that my scalp feels dirty.

With school starting in 2 weeks, I'm going to fashion a shortened version of my regimen so that I can wash my hair. I haven't decided on a style yet. I really just want a clean scalp!

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^_^* Kayla