Wednesday, November 30, 2016

I Moved to a Facebook Group!

In a previous post, I discussed how Facebook Pages isn't working for my blog/youtube channel. Despite having a 3-digit number of followers, under 10 people will see my posts--unless I pay up! That just wasn't working for me. So, I decided to try out a Facebook Group.

Visit and join the new facebook group:

My hopes for the new group is that people will be better able to keep up with my content and we can better interact. The page will eventually be deleted.

If you like what you read on my blog be sure to support by subscribing to me on bloglovin', commenting below, and sharing via the social media links. New posts every Monday, Wednesday, and sometimes Friday!

Some of my posts may contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for clicks or purchases. Thanks in advance for your support!

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I'd like to encourage all of my visitors to use the name/url option when commenting. Anonymous is a bit impersonal.

^_^* Kayla