Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Isn't Working for my YouTube Channel

I've done a lot of thinking about the things that just don't work on my YouTube channel or for my brand in general and some changes will be following in the new year. I think it is extremely important as a web content creator to think about what is being put out there and how people are responding--or not responding.

Makeup Videos

If you are a newer subscriber to my channel, you may not even be aware that I ever did makeup videos. But, if you go back into my uploads deep enough, you will see the occasional makeup video here and there. These videos just don't get the views that an average video on my channel will get. I honestly think people see them in their subscriptions and pass it by without even opening them.

Hair Styling Videos

You would think that a hair channel would get a decent amount of views on hair style videos. Sadly, that is not the case for my channel. Just like the makeup videos, style videos get terrible views. I listened to the stats and have not filmed or uploaded a style video since. 

Clothing/Fashion Videos

I love clothes and I love putting the pieces together for fashion. I am often complimented on my attire at work. Despite this, my clothing related videos are passed up on YouTube and get very low views. I got the message, folks don't want the fashion. lol.

My Facebook Page

My Facebook page isn't doing as well and it really has more to do with Facebook itself than any of the people who like my page. Facebook chooses who will see the posts to my page. So, despite having nearly 300 likes, only 7 people will see a video or text post and maybe 100 will see a post with an image. 

Now, this image is more likely to be liked than to actually compel people to click the link to the accompanying blog post or video. The whole system just isn't working. I'm considering whether to move to a group or just get off Facebook all together.

What does work?

I know pretty well what "the people" want to see on my channel. What works for me is natural hair care, hair growth, and product reviews. These get high views, appear next to related videos, and are easily found in search results. I'm still working on what works outside of my channel as far as social media. Even this blog really doesn't do much for my brand/channel.

If you like what you read on my blog be sure to support by subscribing to me on bloglovin', commenting below, and sharing via the social media links. New posts every Monday, Wednesday, and sometimes Friday!

Some of my posts may contain affiliate links. I may receive a small commission for clicks or purchases. Thanks in advance for your support!

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^_^* Kayla