Friday, January 13, 2017

Dusting | January 2017

At the beginning of 2017 I twisted my hair up in preparation for my first "dusting" since my hair cut back in November of 2016. It's only been two months but I wanted to get my hair on a rememberable dusting schedule. I can easily remember Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct.

What is dusting?

Dusting is a trim in which so little hair is taken off that it looks like dust on the floor. In my case it looks like dust on the sheet of notebook paper. Dusting is a great way to maintain between official trims. It is also helpful for people who want to maintain healthy ends without actually trimming at all.

Dusting has not hindered my hair progress at all. I made this side by side comparison pic. On the left, my hair had just been cut. On the right, I had just finished dusting. I recoreded my hair's measurements for both of these months (because numbers don't lie!) and there is some good growth!

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^_^* Kayla