Friday, February 03, 2017

Products Are Finicky!

I was reminded recently that not all hair products will work the way you want to use them. Some products require "special treatment" for them to work. A few weeks ago, I ran out of my beloved Wetline Xtreme hair gel. I took this as the perfect time to try out a gel I had spotted at the Dollar Tree. This gel is called "Wet Line Super Look Extreme Hold Styling Gel" and I had thought that it was perhaps a repackaging of my favorite gel.

Without going into much detail, I was wrong. I followed my regular wash and go routine which includes a final rinse after styling and possibly plopping so that I can do some things around the house or get dressed while my hair is wet. The first sign that something wasn't right was the fact that my hair was dripping. Dripping--for me--usually signals hair that will dry with little hold. That's exactly what I got. My hair was dull, beyond dry, and frizzy. 

Not wanting to waste my money I gave the gel another try with the next wash day but left out the rinse and plopping. I also didn't allow my hair to air dry. I sat under the dryer with cool air on high.The results were soft with tons of movement and curl definition. My hair was a bit coated looking which had me worried. However, a little more time under the dryer on warm the next morning removed all of the white pieces from my hair.

I was ready to draaaaaag this gel but it was really me who was not using it the right way. 

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