Monday, February 13, 2017

Video | My Vitamin Regimen For Healthy Hair

I have an on again, off again relationship with this vitamin regimen. I'll be on it for several months and then I'll stray for no particular reason. This regimen is meant to mimic the ingredients of expensive hair vitamins.

Watch the video:


I know the question that many people may have after watching this video is "why these supplements?" It may be pretty obvious why I take a multivitamin. That is for general health and filling in any possible gaps in my diet. When it comes to the other two supplements I take, MSM and Biotin, I'll do a bit more explaining.


MSM is a form of organic sulfur. Sulfur (the mined, stinky kind) is commonly used in hair growth oils. Sulfur is the building block for Keratin. Keratin is what makes up our hair and nails. MSM can help strengthen your hair. People have claimed decreased shedding and increased growth from sulfur use.


Biotin is an OG (original gangsta) when it comes to vitamins for hair growth. The benefits of biotin are similar to those of MSM. It strengthens hair and nails and has also been reported to increase growth. May take Biotin alone. If you decide to take a high dose of biotin, be sure to drink plenty of water as some people get acne as a result of biotin use.

Of course, take everything that I say with a grain of salt. I am not a medical professional and you'll likely need to check with one--especially if you already take medicine/supplements, or pregnant, or have a condition.

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