Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Flexible Wash Day Regimen

My hair regimen is very flexible. I like to move around the pieces of it to best fit my plans. There is nothing more frustrating than a hair regimen that takes away from time that you can be spending with your family or doing something else. 

Here are some of the options I choose when it comes to my washday.

All At Night

The header says it all. I sometimes do my entire regimen at night. When I do this it is often at the kitchen sink, separate from my nightly shower. No one wants to be in the shower for years, running up the water bill! After completing my wash and go, I let my hair air dry a bit before I clip it up and throw a shower cap over it. In the morning, I just take the cap off and air dry for the entire next day.

All in the Morning

Similar to when I do my hair at night, I also do this routine at the kitchen sink. I allow my hair to airdry loose over the day and around 7 or 8 in the evening, I'll sit under my soft bonnet dryer to get my hair closest to fully dry as I can get it before putting it up for the night.

Night/Morning Split

I do this when I don't have a lot of time. I combine my nightly shower with the "care" part of my regimen. This means I will shampoo, clay rinse, and apply my deep conditioner in the shower (care + shower = 30 mins). Once out of the shower I let the conditioner sit with a heating cap then detangle. I twist the detangled sections and let the conditioner sort of dry on my hair a little. I go to sleep with a microfiber turban on.

In the morning, I head to the kitchen sink to rinse the conditioner and rewet my hair for styling. It usually takes me about 40 mins total. After that, it's air drying during the day and sitting under the dryer in the evening.

If you find yourself needing to schedule your washday around your schedule, give one of my routines a try.

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