Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Trim | July 2017

One of my initiatives this year has been to twist and trim my hair once a season. I never trim very much so it is more of a dusting. For this particular dusting I did a lot of sliding my fingers down each twist and cutting where it felt rough. The cut hair pile had plenty of little single strand knots in it. 

Thumb for size reference

I've come to a point where I'm beginning to feel fear that I am not taking enough off my hair with these trims. I watched a video recently in which a licensed cosmetologist said that many of her clients don't trim enough off. When they come to her she has to take off more than they expected. I don't want to end up forever hovering over waist length like I was almost a year ago because my ends needed tending to. 

The final seasonal dusting of this year will be in October. I'm still debating whether to stretch my hair out and cut it even for that one or not. 

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