Wednesday, October 04, 2017

​ I Did My Entire Regimen with Cold Water | This Is What Happened

​Hurricane Irma played no games when she came to my part of Florida early this September. Our power was out for almost 8 days. In that time, I was wearing a nearly two week old wash and go. With the reopening of schools approaching, I knew I would need to wash my hair at some point. Even if I was roughing it at home, I didn't want to look like I was roughing it while at work.

And so, Irma caused me to do my entire regimen with cold water. While I wasn't excited about the temperature of the water, I was excited to see what effects there would be on my hair if any.
Rinsing in cold water is said to allow your hair to hold more moisture due to the outer layer closing. The smoothing of the cuticle layer is also supposed to create more shine on the hair. Did I receive any of these benefits?

Selfies while mooching off the local university's internet

The curls are popping! Better than usual?

While my cold water regimen produced a decent wash and go I can't say it was far superior to any other wash and go I've had. My trusty Wetline Xtreme gel usually leaves my hair shiny. A marked difference was how short my hair dried to be. I'm guessing my curl pattern was slightly tightened which took a few inches off of my hair. This isn't as noticeable in my photos because they were taken before my hair was fully dry.

While a tighter curl pattern is nice, it isn't motivation enough for me to voluntarily suffer through a cold shower.

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^_^* Kayla