Friday, December 29, 2017

I'm Not Mad At Shea Moisture

Yes, I've seen Shea Moisture's most recent mens ad filled with many manly "snacks" (and meals!) that once again has folks talking about their brand. People first began talking after they were upset about the implied meaning of the "Break The Walls" campaign. Then, faithful Shea Moisture fans began to complain that the ingredients of their favorite products had changed. I will note here that Shea Moisture says that nothing has changed. Last, Shea Moisture released a very inclusive ad campaign that became the straw that broke the camel's back. 

There was a mass movement to boycott Shea Moisture and blog posts listing alternative products/brands sprang up from everywhere. In the midst of all of this, I have remained silent. I did not make a video. I did not write a blog post. I barely even made a Facebook post except to share an awesome ad by Sephora and Naturally Curly. Why did I not respond in outrage like everyone else? Because…I've been off Shea Moisture since the early days of my natural hair journey!

When I first went natural, Shea Moisture was the thing to buy. There was not a wide variety of natural hair products available in stores. So, Shea Moisture reigned supreme with it's great availability and $9.99 price point. Over the years more (and better) product lines were either created or made more accessible in stores. At the same time, the price point for Shea Moisture began to creep up and I personally became more conscious of the ingredients in my hair products.

I realized that the Shea Moisture products are all shea based and have heavier oils in them. This causes them to coat and eventually build up on my hair if not thoroughly shampooed out. Using other products made me realize that I didn't like the Shea Moisture products all that much. I did briefly return to using the curl enhancing smoothie but shortly there after eliminated the use of curl creams from my regimen.

So, here I stand, unbothered by whatever Shea Moisture has going on. You can be the same way. You just have to open your eyes and realize that Shea Moisture is not the only product on the shelves anymore and you do not have to settle for an ok product. If Shea Moisture truly provides everything you want and more, by all means continue to use it. However, if you've been simply riding the wave of their long lived popularity and not paying attention to how your hair responds to the products, please; Join the rest of us on the shore.

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