Monday, October 08, 2012

October Length Check

Hello all, I have finally done my length check. If you are new to my blog and channel, you may not know that I don't check my length very often. I check about every 6 months (3") and after a 1/2" trim. Without further adieu  here is this month's length.

I threw in the length check shirt photo because I will no longer be pulling hair from the back and turning my head to check the length at the back of my head. I want to compare my next check with the shirt only. The back of my hair nearly reaches 7". 8" is BSB on me and the bra I was wearing at the time came to the 9" line.  I am so close to BSB/BSL I can smell it. Once I reach that length, my hair will be the longest it has ever been in my adult life.



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^_^* Kayla