Wednesday, October 10, 2012

MN Update #4: Does MN Work?

For the beginning of the Ultimate Bun Challenge I took a starter photo. I decided that from the time I took that photo to my full length check coming two months later, I would faithfully apply MN on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I approached the challenge with my true skeptic's heart. Here are the results two months and a 1/2" trim later.


Now, it would appear that my hair grew over an inch per month given that I had a trim in between these photos. Let me, However; play devil's advocate.

I think my hair was dry and shrunken in the first photo and it is super detangled and wet in the second photo. It is important to always do length checks with your hair in the same state to get accurate growth. My hair could have been hitting the 6" line in the first photo were it in the same wet/detangled state. In two months, I'd grow down to the 7" line with normal growth. Then, I took off 1/2" with my trim two weeks ago. My hair could be at 6 1/2" with natural growth--easy--if my theory about the first photo is right. is longer than 6 1/2".

What do you think? Is MN pumping the hair out of my head or am I tripping?

*UPDATE* I am trippin'. lol. I see now that the lines on my shirt in the second photo are  a bit high. My hair is probably more realistically at line 6, which makes a heck of a lot more sense.


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