Friday, October 19, 2012

Product Review: Moni Poni

Their Promise:
Read the full promise/product description on the Moni Poni about page.

"To use the Moni Poni®, simply hold the Moni Poni® by the handle in one hand, gather hair into a ponytail with the other hand (don't twist the hair), hook the spiral into the hair, and then turn it by the handle until it's tight. Removing the Moni Poni® is just as easy: simply release the pressure by turning it in the opposite direction, and it slips right out." (from the Moni Poni website)

$5.99 - $7.99 at

My Opinion:


I found the Moni Poni to be a bit fragile for thick hair. It is possible to insert but you have to be a  bit careful with its frosted plastic material. The Moni Poni Linx is made of a more durable plastic and is a tad bit larger than the Moni Poni. I found this one to be easy to use and not so easy to break. Mini Poni would be best used to pull back the front of a child's hair before creating a larger ponytail. I didn't say it in the video, but mini poni would also be a great alternative to those cotton ponytail holders for babies.

Moni Poni Linx - ♥ ♥ ♥ /3 Excellent
Moni Poni - ♥ ♥ /3 Good

FTC: I received these products--without any compensation or promise of a review--for free from the Moni Poni Company. 


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