Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Book Review: Haylie Pomroy's "The Fast Metabolism Diet"

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/FastMetabolismDiet. The book was provided free of cost but my opinions are my own.

If you follow me on Facebook, then you saw me mention that I had received this book nearly a month ago. You also know that I was a bit apprehensive before actually reading the book.

The first thing that jumped out to me, was the cover and it's claims. This book says you can lose 20 lbs in 28 days! According to the usual up to 2 lbs a week recommendation, one could only expect to lose 8 lbs in 28 days. So, already I was giving Pomroy the side eye for saying that one could lose a whole 12 lbs more than what is considered normal and healthy.

Then, I actually began to read the book. I enjoyed Pomroy's writing style. I almost felt as though I was having a conversation with a girlfriend that so happens to be a nutritionist. The book is organized into just a few sections. The first section of the book tells us of the success of Pomroy's clients. The next section burst through some common diet myths. I particularly enjoyed this section because some of these things Pomroy said, I already believed. The following section gets really scientific and goes into great detail about the metabolism. I was beginning to feel that there was something to this fast metabolism diet.

The rest of the book is spent breaking down the actual diet plan and also includes lists of allowed foods and recipes  On to my thoughts on the actual diet...The fast metabolism diet consists of three different phases, each lasting 2-3 days. During each phase there is a focus on a nutrient or nutrients that are supposed to help heal some part of the organs that help you metabolize your food. No matter what the "nutrients of the day" are, you are expected to eat 5-6x a day to keep your metabolism going.

This diet is meant to last for 28 days to heal your metabolism, then you can go your merry way. Pomroy states that many of her clients make the diet their lifestyle or repeat it at the beginning of each season. Personal experiences have led me to believe this diet definitely works, but not because of a magical metabolism repairing reason. The fast metabolism diet forces you to eat real food. When you eat real food, you take in fewer calories, despite eating more and your body gets the vitamins and nutrients it probably was missing on a diet rich in processed food. The fast metabolism diet is more like a clean eating jump start.

Most of my meals consist of real food and I do not eat the 5-6x a day required by the fast metabolism diet nor do I focus on specific nutrients, yet I have been consistently losing weight since August of last year. I am down 20 lbs and a pants size. What I am doing is working...without a fast metabolism. Despite my personal experience, I still recommend this book. Too many people are on fad or starvation diets, devoid of any real nutrition, that have them trapped in a weight gain cycle. Do the fast metabolism diet. Exercise regularly. Then begin eating mostly real food.

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