Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Book Review: Nikki Walton's "Better Than Good Hair"

I'm about a month late doing this review, but it is better late than never! Now, I usually dislike most hair books except for my few favorites, so I snagged Nikki's book from my public library.

What It's All About...
"Better Than Good Hair" is a from-the-ground-up, back to basics natural hair guide. If you are wondering how to do the most basic care to your or even your child's natural hair, it's in this book. It is even divided into hair phases: Transitioning, Big Chop, TWA, etc.

My Reaction...
I was delighted to see so many familiar faces in this book. I saw bloggers and YouTubers that I follow and admire. I love anything that brings women of color together positively. I also enjoyed how complete the book is. You could be clueless about natural hair, read this book, and walk away knowledgeable.

However, I cannot lie, if you are a bit more knowledgeable about natural hair (you've been natural for over a year, you regularly read natural hair blogs, you watch a lot of YouTube videos), you may not see much new information in this book. I was familiar with most of the concepts in this book and had also passed some of the hair stages that divide the book into sections. That does not erase how useful this book will certainly be to some. I can think of a handful of people I would refer to this book right off the top of my head!

To Sum It Up...
If you are a new natural, don't hesitate--buy. If you are a more seasoned natural, still buy this book. It makes for great gifting to family and friends who have expressed interest in or who have just gone natural. I'm giving this book two out of three hearts, simply because I was probably not the target audience.

♥♥ out of 3

Get your copy of the book here:


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