Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 2014 Length Check

Believe it or not, I have been intending to make this post for two weeks now. I'm usually pretty good with making follow up posts after length check videos. 

As you can see from the photo (click to enlarge), I am finally retaining length again. I believe this is due to increased moisture in my hair from "watering" my hair more frequently and deep conditioning twice a week. I am still taking my "hairfinity alternative" but I am unsure if it is really doing anything. I may eventually drop the extras and just take a multi for general health insurance. I recently finished my multivitamin gummies and replaced them with gummies from the same brand specifically for women. It has more of "the good stuff" in it than their multivitamin.

I will also be trimming my hair soon. Sometime next week I'll be trimming my hair in twists. I'm overdue for a good trim and trims are essential for retention. More on that later...


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^_^* Kayla