Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wash Day Experience | Twist and Trim

What The Kink - First Wash Day of 15What The Kink - First Wash Day of 15

 I'm late posting about it but I kicked off this new year with a treatment and a set of twists!

[1] Prepoo
I started off with the Cherry Lola Treatment. The treatment is said to strengthen the hair and decrease frizz. I hadn't done one in several months and figured it was about time. I'm going to try to do them monthly.

[2] Deep Condition
After rinsing out my prepoo I coated my hair in my precious Tressemme Naturals conditioner (review here). Since I know how much of a task twisting can be I slept in the deep conditioner so that I could do the next step in the morning. 

[3] Detangle
The next morning I detangled my hair under running water then added back more of the conditioner to leave in.

[4] Style & Trim
I sealed each conditioned section with olive oil then proceeded to do medium sized twists. Um...they took forever! As I twisted I also took ~1/4th" off of each twist.

What The Kink - First Wash Day of 15

This routine will probably be the name of the game at the beginning of each month--minus the trim!

The Wash Day Experience

What was your latest Wash Day like? Comment below! 
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