Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Natural Hair Styles for Graduation Caps

In 2012 I graduated with a bachelor's in Elementary education. One of my biggest concerns in graduation season wasn't what I was going to wear nor how I was going to celebrate afterwards. I was worried about how I was going to possibly be able to fit my natural hair under that graduation cap! 

You may laugh at my concern but at this point I had only been natural for 7 months and had no clue how to even wear my hair to the grocery store! Now that I am further along in my natural hair journey I can look back with endless possibilities for graduation cap hairstyles!

Twists/Twist Outs

I was really big on twists when I first went natural and I still am. You can easily fit a fresh set of twists or a twist out under your cap. (twist out tutorial)


Buns are always a chic option. They will lay your hair flat under the cap and look so classy with your outfit underneath when you take your cap and gown off later. (tutorial for bun shown)

Braid Outs

Like the twist out, this style relaxes your roots so that you can push the cap down over your hair. (My braid out tutorial)

No matter what style you choose, you will need loads of pins strategically placed and hidden to keep your cap down. I also wonder if this tip from Nik Scott could be hidden under a graduation cap to get even a wash and go accross the commencement stage!

How are you planning to wear your hair for graduation? Comment below! 

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^_^* Kayla