Monday, May 04, 2015

Video: Puff on Long Natural Hair

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As a long hair natural (nearly waist length!) one thing I miss about having short natural hair is being able to throw my hair into a puff whenever I pleased. I would rock a puff out for about a week at times. Now that my hair is long, doing the traditional puff method results in a ponytail. That's great, but not the look I was going for. To get a puff on long natural hair I follow these steps.

1. Pull hair into a ponytail 
2. Fan out the hair around the base of the ponytail
3. Randomly push ends toward the ponytail base and pin in place

  • You don't want to do this too neatly or roll the hairs because it will look like a doughnut bun.
  • Leave the messy hairs on top to add to the puff look.

Will you be giving this a try? Comment below! 

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^_^* Kayla