Wednesday, May 27, 2015

4 Steps to Strengthen Your Hair

Strong hair is length retaining hair. Give some of these tips a try to make your hair stronger.

1. Improve your diet.
Eat a diet rich in nutrients like protein, biotin, and omega-3. It also won't hurt to incorporate a multivitamin into your routine. I think my diet is fairly healthy but I still take a multivitamin each day. 

2. Do a protein treatment.
A protein treatment helps your hair more resistant to breakage. Early in my healthy hair journey I had issues with overly moisturized, gummy hair that was beginning to break. I did a protein treatment and just like that the breakage decreased. I have more recently begun incorporating monthly protein treatments into my regimen.

3. Decrease or stop direct heat use.
Heat can cause your hair's cuticle layers to rise and dry out the strand. Heat tools like blow dryers and flat irons also cause mechanical damage. 

4. Finger detangle.
In the same vein as heat tools, combs and brushes also cause a lot of mechanical damage. Switch to the more gentle finger detangling to help your hair keep its strength.
Do you know of any other tips to strengthen hair? Comment below! 

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^_^* Kayla