Monday, May 25, 2015

Video : Product Review | Koils By Nature Herbal Soothing Curl Defining Gel

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I've got another one fresh off the Max Hydration Method approved list. This time it is the Koils by Nature Soothing Herbal Curl Defining Gel. This gel is available on the Koils by Nature website for $14 + $5 shipping (16oz). I'll have to say that though the ingredients are great, the price isn't bad, and the gel has positive reviews--it isn't a go for me.

This gel didn't work out well in high humidity or without an oil underneath. It also caused my hair to become dull and dry the older it got. In this video I am on day 3 and it is high time for a wash. I do enjoy the scent of this gel (despite my husband's complaints) and it did slick down a bun pretty well.

UPDATE!! Perhaps this gel doesn't like my Tresseme Naturals conditioner. It works much better with the Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle Conditioner...much better--night and day better! 

I hope this gel works out better for you all. It comes in a really small sample size if you do want to try it out.

What are your thoughts on the Koils by Nature gel? Comment below! 

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^_^* Kayla