Wednesday, December 14, 2016

I Finally Made Plopping Work!

If you do  a google search for "plopping type 4 hair" you will end up with very few results that actually involved type 4 hair. What does come up are old YouTube videos and forum threads where most of the women are saying they don't do or don't like plopping. I even wrote a post saying that it didn't work for me

What I Was Doing Wrong

I realized that I wasn't quite doing the plopping thing right when it comes to type 4 hair. First, I did not use enough product on my hair. Now that I am heavy on the product, it doesn't get soaked up into the shirt like when I first tried plopping. I had unrealistic expectations of dryness for my plopping. 

Now that I have successfully plopped more than once, I know what to expect when the plop comes down. My hair will be gummy/tacky with product but not soaking wet. This holds true whether I plop 2hrs, 3hrs, or overnight. I get the same "level of dampness" as a result. My hair also needs to fully dry out in the open for the product to eventually become clear and dry.

Will I Begin Plopping Now?

The major benefit of plopping for me is being able to get ready or even sleep without my hair being down and wet. There is no benefit for drying. My hair still takes the same amount of time to dry no matter how long I plop or if I don't plop at all. It is for this reason that I will file plopping away as something that works for my hair but won't necessarily be a part of my regimen. I can plop if I need to wash my hair at night or I have somewhere to go on the morning that I wash my hair.

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