Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Clean Your Product Stash

I've never been much of a product junkie, but I know that hair products can build up when you are on a healthy hair journey. Head to your stash and follow these steps to cut down on the hair product clutter.

[1] Sort ALL of your items
Pull out every product you own and put them into one of three categories: Keep, Give Away, or Trash. I recommend you trash anything over 75% used, anything in a jar (bacteria from your hand and stray hairs), and anything that does not smell or look as it should.

[2] Give your items to family and friends
Some of your products may find a new home with your friends and family. I have given things away to my loved ones often and the items are almost always received well.

[3] Swap/Sell in online communities
Most hair forums and communities have swap or selling boards. Someone may be willing to purchase your discounted and lightly used products or you can swap them for something you know you'll actually use.

[4] Donate
This item is listed last because it will not work everywhere. Some shelters will take gently used products but they tend to be very picky about what they will and will not accept.
Have you spring cleaned your product stash? Comment below! 
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