Friday, January 06, 2017

Happy New Year! 2017

Happy New Year! 

As per usual, I will be laying down my goals for the new year in this post. I am finding that as I grow older and become more at peace, I have fewer goals that I want to achieve in the new year. I'm in a maintain state of mind.

I chopped my hair off this past November. My hair has been almost waist length for the past few years. It is this "almost" that has had me set it as a goal for those last few years. My hair is now between armpit length and bra strap length--depends on what strand you pull. Setting a goal of waist from this starting point would be unrealistic.

My hair goal for this year is to retain as much length as possible. I know that with average growth I should gain 6 inches in a calendar year. I expect to trim a bit for health and prevention. So, I'm looking to gain 4-5 inches of hair this year. I'm not sure what "body marker length" would coincide with this kind of growth.

This year I gained 1,500 subscribers--a little shy of the 2,000 I was aiming for. This year I want to do more on my channel. My primary style of video is a sit down and talk type video. Though these do very well, I'd like to take how I present information to the next level. I'm also still wanting to have a ".com" attached to my name but I have been lazy on this one.

Well, I've been maintaining a 30lb weight loss from 3 years ago. I became Vegan last year and I brought back reading for leisure. I'm trying to mostly maintain in my life but am interested in returning to journaling on a regular basis.

View past New Year Goal Posts: 2016 // 2015 // 2014 // 2013 // 2012 // 2011

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^_^* Kayla